The International Conference for Peace and Tolerance, to be held in Hyderabad to promote brotherhood among the citizens of the world is to be a major for Qadria International.
The International Conference for Peace and Tolerance will be graced by top ranking political and religious representatives from various faiths, cultures, communities and countries.
Hyderabad, being a city of Peace with Great Heritage and Culture is ideally Suited to be the host city for such a noble cause.
Moulana Syed Ahmed Ul Hussaini Sayeed Ul Qadri, President of Qadria International Organization and grandson of the Right Hon’ble Hazrat Syedna Yahya Pasha Qadri(RH), the famous Sufi Saint of Hyderabad leads the initiative to host this important event.
Qadria International is committed to work in the field of Education, Welfare and Charity, Interfaith and Inter-cultural Harmony, towards a larger objective of promoting Global Peace.
The Organization encourages communities from different walks of life to co-exist in harmony.
Qadria International’s efforts are grounded in the belief that peace in the world can prevail only if we learn to tolerate and respect the faith, religion, culture, progress, prosperity and perspective of others. his goal can be achieved only by dialogue amongst respective stake holde
Department of Posts India (Government of India) has released a Postal Stamp with a Photograph of Moulana Sayeed Ul Qadri, President Qadria International Organisation for his contribution in Organizing Aadhaar Camps with Department of Posts India. To present this Stamps Dr. Vishnu Ambareesh M S,IPoS,Senior superintendent of Post Offices and Mrs.K.Vishnu Jyothi,Assistant suprindent of Post offices visited Qadria International Headquarters,Sayeed Manzil,Qazipurah,Hyderabad on 12th December 2019.

More than 60 years ago the famous.The Right Hon’ble Hazrat Syedna Yahya Pasha Qadri(RH) planted the seed of today’s Qadria International; a social organization with the sole of service to humanity by carrying message of Peace and Tolerance.
Qadria International, over a period of time, has earned a name for itself for being an organization that is striving to bring about peace and harmony amongst the youth of all religions.
Knowing that youth tend to be highly impressionable and easily swayed by negative inputs of hatred towards other communities, the Organization is playing a significant role to prevent them from drifting towards extremism.
Qardria understands that youth drafted into extremism by hardline and political groups are used only to meet a deep, nefarious, hidden agenda of such organizations.
Today, mankind’s very existence is at stake. There is bloodshed everywhere. Deliberate misinterpretation of holy books by some a complete breakdown of trust, safety and peaceful co-existence amongst brothers.

The world is crying out for the message of peace and Qadria International is striving to spread the word across faiths and cultures, for all of mankind.
Qadria International, over a period of time, has reached out to innumerable youth and guided them away from attempts to lure them into extremism.
Qadria international have been successful in preventing youth from being swayed by false propaganda which has been targeting them especially through social media.
Notable Achivements

Nelson Mandela Nobel Peace Award
Moulana Sayeed Ul Qadri, President Qadria International Organisation was Presented Nelson Mandela Nobel Peace Award 2020 (Accredited by World Health Organization WHO) at Sahara Star Hotel, Mumbai by Shri Ramdas Athavle, Union Minister of State, Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India and Sir Prof. Dr. MADHU KRISHNA, Judge International Court of Justice.

Free Aadhaar Camp at Qadria International Headquarters, Qazipura from 24th February 2020.