Qadria International is a forerunner to endorse humanitarian activities beyond religious attributions. The collective programmes being run by the organisation are testimony to their aim, along with major success they inspired in people and society. Many youth and elders have forfeited the practice of dowry after attending the lectures organised by Qadria. Hope kindled in children at schools with the ‘Roshni’ programme, bears a promise for the future. Above all, the organisation is a herald for peace in its structure and practice. It truly is the peace ambassador the world needs right now.
Join the Qadria International Organisation and drive a change towards a society that is peaceful and tolerant. For details logon to www.qadriainternational.com or contact +91-9985041290 or +9140-24578918.You can email at qadriaorg@gmail.com or info@qadriainternational.com .
Head Office:
Syeed Manzil,
20-05-316, Qazipura,
Hyderbad - 500056, Telengana State, India.
Qadria International Organisation.