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Qadria International Initiative


Qadria International is renowned for its involvement in welfare and charity works.

Some of the socially relevant movements started by the organization include.

Silent Screem

Qadria International took action against aristocracies by raising its voice through peaceful demonstrations against injustice of all kind.

Hunarman Ladki

Qadria International had set up drinking water camps at different locations in the City of Hyderabad for the summer season.


The first camp was inaugurated at Rethi Bowli, Hyderabad, and multiple high-traffic locations have been identified and camps are set up for the succor of the people.




Qadria International believes that by remaining passive onlookers and not acting against atrocities, our in action is equal to aiding, abetting and causing atrocities to occur.


The organization has consistently has raised its voice and peacefully demonstrated against injustice and atrocities of all kinds, heaped upon all communities and all people.

Hunarmand Ladki is a landmark program where girls are provided free classes in dress designing, tailoring, embroidery and mehendi design. Around 5000 girls have successfully completed the training, and many are already self-employed and self reliant. After availing training girls and housewives are being encouraged to work from their houses, form self help groups and eventually become economically self-sustaining and improve the quality of life in their households.


Qadria International believes that the empowerment of women can create attitudinal change and play a major role in fighting poverty. This in turn, can provide and environment of healthy respect for family and family values.



Qadria International even plans to market the products prepared by these girls both at national and international level.


Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects for rich and poor alike is finding a suitable match for marriage.


Qadria International arranges marriages for poor and needy couples. The organisation gives preference to educated girls from economically backward background in order to improve their quality of life.


The organisation has conducted many lectures and seminars to spread awareness among the Muslim youth against the practice of dowry.


The objective is to make marriages simpler and it is based on the firm belief that when marriages are simple, the bridged family does not think of women as burden. The initiative seeks to evolve a happier society.



Qadria International plans to organize a massive worldwide campaign, with the blessing and support of community leaders, religious scholars and heads, and the common man to direct and channelize the energies of youth.


Away from extremism and towards a more tolerant society, where diversity is accepted, where an individual’s beliefs are respected and where energies are channelized towards social and economic upliftment.

A visit to many schools made Qadria International realized that while the government did its best to ensure the running of the mid-day meals scheme in schools, the institutions did not have basic and necessary utilitarian items for children to eat those meals.


Consequently, Qadria International has launched a program to provide plates, glasses, buckets and other utensils to government schools and select aided schools, to be used for mid-day meals.


Qadria International has also presented exam kits to students in government school preparing to appear for their 10th Standard Examination. The gift pack, initially given to students of some government schools in Hyderabad, contained an exam pad, pen, pencil, sharpener and other stationery.


Qadria International distributes Free School Text and Note Book among poor student.


Qadria International arranges marriages for needy and poor couples.

Preference will be given to educated girls from and economically disadvantaged background, with a view to improve their quality of life by lifting them out of their current situation and enable them to bloom.


Qadria International has also organized a series of seminars and lectures to spread awareness among Mulsim youth against the prevalent dowry culture.



Qadria International is involved in many charitable and welfare programs for the needy. This is done without much publicity to ensure that respect and dignity of the beneficiaries is maintained.


In this program, Qadria International have provided financial assistance on a small scale to deserving people, and distributed blankets amongst the poor inhabitants fo old age homes and in slum areas of the city. Qadria International also distributes fruits and food amongst poor people and in hospital at regular intervals.

Qadria International Organisation


Head Office: Sayeed Manzil, 20-05-316. Qazipura, Hyderabad - 500065.

Telangana State, India.

Mobile: 0091-9985-041-290, Tel: 0091-402457-8918


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